I found this article, and thought it might be relevant to some of you interested in personal training. The only thing I would add to it, as I never recommend another trainer unless I know them (too many hacks in the business), is that you should NEVER be forced to buy large packages. If a trainer is confident in what they do, and know that they're good, they don't need to sell 50 sessions at a time. This is how people get ripped off. I've seen it over and over at various gyms. Whether you have a trainer at a gym, or at your home, don't buy the big package. My clients, as per my direction, pay me AFTER I've trained them. I do not sell sessions in advance. This helps with their financial flexibility, and ensures that I have the right mindset when I'm working.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
How Can I Afford Personal Training?
Friday, July 16, 2010
Boot Camps, Fitness and Sex

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Couple of Dumbbells
The weights are sturdy, and take up very little space in our apartment. We did our reading before we purchased them, and the only caveat was that you had to be careful setting them down. Unlike the set, octagonal weights, which are almost indestructible, the 1090's can be broken if they're thrown around. And if you've spent any time in the gym, you've seen the heavy lifters throw the weights around before arching the super sexy eyebrow to warn you how tough they are. Fortunately, I can't seem to raise one eyebrow, though I've certainly tried, so I've always settled for rolling my neck and grimacing after setting the weights down carefully. In that sense, the 1090's suit me perfectly. Bowflex also has a smaller set of dumbbells, the 552's, which adjust up to 52.5lbs. I've used the smaller ones with a number of my clients, and absolutely recommend them for home use, though the same caveat about throwing them around applies here.
As I've said before on this site, the importance of resistance work can not be understated. And yes, for women too. Especially when it comes to doing back work, which is, along with core work, the most important and neglected area for most women. Ultimately, it leads to bad posture and back pain as they get older. Learning to do a proper back workout is VERY important.
For those of you who don't know, I do a lot of work as an unpaid writer, and supplement it with my training. We are not rich. Paying for those dumbbells wasn't easy, but moderated by my simplicity in other areas. For example, I've pretty much worn two pairs of shorts all summer. My 24$ sandals are my number one chose of footwear, and my idea of a good time (aside from the wild parties in Manhattan)is sitting on our balcony and reading a good book from the library. In that sense, it pays to be a geek, if a two hundred pound slab of geekiness.
LAST DAY for Harriston Boot Camp
It's the last day for my Harriston Boot Camp. What a blast it has been! They've been an unbelievable, hardworking bunch and I feel as though I've made ten new friends. (Although, that's a bit mitigated by the cheers I hear every time I tell them we're done.) Honestly, it's been a terrific experience, and I'm looking forward to the last workout in a few hours. Thank you all for your hard work, for your questions, and for your desire to change your lifestyle. You guys were awesome!